Gender Equity Charter

Northern Region Football's Gender Equity Charter is a public commitment to growing inclusiveness in football clubs, launched at a special Wahine in Football event during FIFA Women's World Cup 2023. 

The first clubs to sign the Charter  are those with facility upgrades and legacy requirements through FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 - Auckland United, Bay Olympic, Birkenhead United, East Coast Bays, Ellerslie, Mangere United, West Coast Rangers and Western Springs.  

“By committing publicly to equity, this group of clubs are committing to positive change. Making our game more inclusive will help it grow sustainably and better reflect our diverse communities. We know there are clubs doing great work in this space, this is about working together to lift equity throughout our game in a strategic way,” said NRF CEO Laura Menzies. 

 The Charter is about benchmarking where clubs are now, where they want to get to and the steps that are needed, focusing on: 

Leadership - Leadership and governance that reflects and supports gender equity

Participation - Equitable participation and development opportunities, including juniors and youth girls-only football

Visibility - Make girls and women visible, showing their value in our club

Resources - Equitable resources and opportunities for girls and women

Facilities - Fit for purpose facilities that meet the specific needs of girls and women in our club 

The first eight clubs are working through the Charter process with their members, and are all at different stages of the journey, starting by speaking with and surveying their members, and working on Gender Equity Action Plans. 

NRF will work on this kaupapa with more clubs in the future, and encourage clubs interested in learning more about the Equity Charter to speak with their NRF Area Manager.