Advanced Female
Coaching Mentorship


“To empower and support females in coaching at all levels through targeted mentorship, communities of practice, and specific developmental opportunities.”

NRF is re-launching our Advanced Female Coach Mentorship Program (AFCM) to offer development opportunities and ongoing support for female coaches and leaders.

Aligned to NRF’s strategic pillars and commitment to the Equity Charter, we have prioritized investment and resource to supporting the development of the women’s game. 

What is it? 
Northern Region Football will

  • Provide scholarships (part-funding) for females to access advanced coaching courses in the NRF region (Junior Level 3 / C Licence / B Licence / A Licence).
  • Manage and facilitate supportive communities of practice for ongoing connection and professional networking
  • Offer a minimum of 2 in-person development workshops (and filming day/s) across the calendar year (as requested by members).
  • Offer ongoing individualised mentorship and support for members
  • Develop and encourage more Female Coach Developers to contribute to our game
  • Celebrate and recognise our Female Coaches, Developers and Leaders in our game (media coverage).

  • Foster a supportive female coaching community/network
  • Enhance coaching confidence, competency and satisfaction
  • Increase the number of females holding advanced coaching qualifications (JL3, C & B, A Licence) in the NRF region.

“I signed up for the Advanced Women's Coaching Program because I was struggling to find the support and confidence to film and submit my assessment. My experience of the program was overall very positive and enjoyable. The environment which Scott created was very positive and I didn't feel judged by anyone, which made me enjoy learning more about coaching and inspired me. I would recommend this to others because I learnt a lot and grew so much as a coach in little time and I was impressed with the confidence boost that I gained. I think that getting more females to do this program would benefit a lot of female coaches and I hope it continues to grow in popularity.” 

Register your interest 
Be part of the class of 2024 - register now 

Please note - to be eligible for this program, you must identify as a female and have attended an advanced coaching course (JL3 / C / B / A Licence) ideally no later than January 1st 2022.

If you have any questions, would like to discuss further or interested in involving yourself in an advanced coaching course please reach out to: NRF Coach Development Officer at